JLM supports the Pharmaceutical & Diagnostic market JLM with a number of new technologies: anti-counterfeiting for packaging, automation, clinical trials using RFID, biomarkers, micro-fluidic, drug delivery devices, lab on chip and bio chips array with sensors. Typically we work with senior directors of packaging, manufacturing, companion diagnostics, research and development, marketing and global sourcing. Headquartered in St. Davids, PA, JLM is located within two hours of 80 percent of the major pharmaceutical companies.
Randox Laboratories Ltd
55 Diamond Road Crumlin Co. Antrim BT29 4QY Northern Ireland
Randox Has Developed POC Fully Automated - Game Changer For COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Worlds Best
A new breakthrough fully automated POC test for SARS-Cov-2 with results available in only 30 minutes.
Highly accurate with specificity at 95% All of Randox’s testing solutions for Covid-19 are powered by our patented Biochip technology.
1 sample per run
Pooling of samples possible (up to 5) in the SARS-CoV-2 Rapid test
CO-developed by both Randox / Bosch and has been deployed throughout Europe. Randox reagents and cartridge were design for VRI full automated POC analyser. Randox ( POC ) Point of Care accuracy now at 95 + is highest in the world. Point of Care solves the problem of logistics and timing as test results almost immediately
product specs
vivalytic testing
covid testing solutions
Randox is the UK and Ireland’s largest diagnostic manufacturer with over 38 years of experience in the industry
We are the 5th largest manufacturer of clinical chemistry reagents and the 3rd largest manufacturer of QC material globally.
Randox’s product range covers over 250 routine and esoteric analyses available in multiple formats with applications for over 40 different analysers
As well as our clinical chemistry and QC products Randox also provide a customer assay development service for nice biomarkers.
1015 Chestnut Street, Suite 1401 Philadelphia, PA 19107
Covid 19 Testing Services For Cruise Ships
With the help of Biomeme, the Cruise Industry can once again open for business in a simple manner using gold standard FDA EUA mobile RT-PCR for COVID testing & surveillance onboard the ship.
Cost low enough per passenger as not to hinder revenue. Actually the opposite...cruise ships can open up with proper testing.
Biomeme technology platform is available now.
Devices and tests manufactured in the United States.
Biomeme is a current approved supplier for International SOS / Medaire.
Biomeme is the market leader in providing on-site rapid RT-PCR testing to the entertainment industry for film, TV, and commercial shoots around the world.
Biomeme and it's subsidiary CLIA High Complexity / CAP Accredited lab, One Health Laboratories (OHL), can even support the Cruise industry exclusively by providing turn-key testing capacity. We can staff, supply and run rapid on-site RT-PCR testing operations onboard ships and for all port locations.
Biomeme/OHL's turn-key test sites are operated under our strict quality management system, overseen by our CLIA Lab Directors and Technical Supervisors.
biomeme presentation
Prior companies under JLM:
Sportparkstr. 935578 Wetzlar | Germany Online www.mbst.de
Technology: Electronic Medicine A rejuvenate damage cells tissue that can be corrected back to normal with right frequency
Markets: Primary area covered arthritis, osteoporosis, orthopaedic, dermatology (hair growth & skin rejuvenation) and potential with urology (ED erectile dysfunction), improvement in eye-vision and hearing lost.
Electronic medicine, in simple terms the body’s cells react to different frequencies and damage cells can be corrected with thee right frequencies. The right frequency is the electronic medicine which is controlled by chip card that is programmed with right the “formula.” The technology works for the same reason as the MRI technology works. The image giving technology is called MRI and we call our technology MRT (T for Therapy). In both technologies the resonance phenomenon is used. Below is file “Technology active principle” to see what is common and what is different subject the MRI and MRT technology.The patented MBST®- therapy from Germany provides body cells (in humans and animals) with new energy through highly specified treatment devices that aim at the particular damaged tissue. Thereby, cell metabolism is reactivated and regeneration is stimulated. Hence, pain will be significantly reduced on a long term basis and mobility will be regained. This treatment is proven out successfully with over 260,000 patients within the last 16 years
Biophysical stimulation is disruptive and needs an outsider in healthcare. Most of the technology is developed out of Germany which is world leader regeneration medicine / digital therapeutics. The global digital therapeutics market is expected to reach USD 9.3 billion by 2025. ( "Digital Therapeutics Market 2014 - 2025" report) Digital therapeutics, known as software-as-a-drug, has undergone significant developments, because of its cost-effectiveness and the potential to influence human behaviour - a challenge that is difficult to overcome in healthcare. Our bodies own energy can cure itself by electronic stimulation mainly just need the right frequency. the software replaces a drug.
prior Companies under JLM:
Bergkirchener Str. 22832549 Bad Oeynhausen Germany www.balda.de
Technology: Custom drug delivery devices
Market: Pharmaceutical & BioTechnology OEMs
Balda Medical is an OEM for custom drug delivery devices with a special niche relating to pill dispensing. Balda creates custom devices for injectable or oral delivery that provide better compliance, safety and special benefits.